In the Studio with Lucy Michel
I first officially met Lucy at a baby blessing. I had no idea what I was getting myself into as it was the first baby blessing I'd been invited to attend. I showed up and immediately took off my shoes - padding about in my socks, crystal in hand (I brought cinnabar) - and hovered over the rosé. Lucy said something silly yet smart, I blurted out something that probably didn't make sense, but the connection was immediate - a feeling I think most people have within seconds of meeting Lucy (truly like your childhood best friend!). Her quick wit, confidence, and strong manner are juxtaposed with her open heart, with her raw emotion showing during the blessing as she was one of the first to shed a sweet tear (though we all needed tissues by the end). Lucy is a truly multifaceted being, a quality that comes across fully in her work and business.
Potter by passion and trade, Lucy’s work is a reflection of her soul. Refined, natural, and grounded in the earth, each piece is touched by her hands from start to finish. Seeing her at work in her studio was a wonderful reminder to take time to do things with your hands (and to get a little dirty!) – it is so amazing witness an artist come to life in her intimate space, you really get to see the fire behind the art. I asked Lucy to make a list of the women artists from whom she has drawn inspiration; see below for her list, as well as images of her wearing pieces from our Spring ’19 collection while working in the studio.
– pd
"Beatrice Wood // Insanely cool ceramic artist. First things first she lived to be 105. I love her work because it's primitive but also super sophisticated. If you happen to be in Ojai you should most definitely check out the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts and see some of her work in person. When asked about her longevity she said, "I owe it all to art, books, chocolate and young men."
Linda McCartney // I was a photography major in college and grew up with a camera attached to my hands and a dark room in my house so I LOVE photographers and it's an art form that's very near and dear to me. I especially love Linda's work because it's personal, beautiful, but also gave everyone a look into a crazy life. There's a quiet beautiful spirit to her photos. They're photos by a person who was observing the world with love and magic.
Patti Smith // I love her because she's an artist of so many different mediums. For a while I thought it was weird that I jumped around in my mediums, but then got into Patti Smith and realized an artist is an artist is an artist and not everyone just sticks to one thing.
Frida Kahlo // I mean, she invented the selfie lol. She was also completely self taught which is so rad. The art so purely came from within her. Frida's paintings gracefully walk the line of fantasy and reality, a style that has been described as magical realism. What's cooler than that?
Lucie Rie // One of my all time favorite ceramicists. I love the texture of her pieces and the glazes she uses. She elevated simple and functional forms with innovative glazes and clays. Since I also make functional art, her work is super inspiring to me."
Lucy wearing the Annie Top in Green, Myrtle Overalls & Penny Bandana
Lucy wearing the Brigitte Top in Blue Rosebud, Myrtle Overalls & Penny Bandana
Lucy wearing the Jane Blouse in Baby Kate Floral
Lucy's amazing loop vases; Lucy wearing the Jane Blouse in Baby Kate Floral with her own vintage Levi's
Lucy wearing the Brigitte Top in Blue Rosebud, Myrtle Overalls & Penny Bandana
Lucy wearing the Jane Blouse in Baby Kate Floral